Hack Iphone With Mac Address Kali Linux

Macchanger is a tool that is included with any version of Kali Linux including the 2016 rolling edition and can change the MAC address to any desired address until the next reboot. In this tutorial we will be spoofing the MAC address of our wireless adapter with a random MAC address generated by Macchanger on Kali Linux. Hack-captive-portals Description. Hack any Captive portal using MAC-spoofing technique. This script is using MAC-spoofing technique. This method is the only one which is present in all wireless and some wired Captive portals by design. Once a host is authorized by the Captive portal, its MAC and IP address are allowed unrestricted access.

Posted by Vishnu Valentino in Tips and Trick | 11 comments
  1. Here follows a complete list of Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Tools to be used with Kali Linux Each of the Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Tool contains only precise information with which you can keep yourself updated to the world of technology. You can also use these for doing good to others through ethical hacking.
  2. Today we learn about mobile hacking with the help of Metasploit. In this tutorial, we learn how to hack mobile phone using Kali Linux and find the location of the victim's mobile phone, find SMS, find call logs and much more. Before starting this tutorial let learn about how a mobile phone hacked.

After our previous tips and trick about how to change MAC address on Windows, now we will learn about the same topic How to Change MAC Address on Kali Linux.

Changing MAC address or we also can call it MAC address spoofing will be useful in some cases, but we will talk about it later in conclusion at the end of this article.



1. Linux terminal

Step by step How to Change MAC Address on Kali Linux:

1. Open your terminal, and type

ifconfig | grep HWaddr

you will see your original MAC address, mine was 08:00:27:b2:4d:4b

2. To temporary change our MAC address, we need to turn off the network interface first by running this command

ifconfig eth0 down

3. After that we can configure the new MAC address

ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:02

you can change the MAC address using this hexadecimal format XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

4. Now we can turn on the network interface again.

ifconfig eth0 up

5. And the last we can check again our MAC whether it's change or not.

if we follow until this step, MAC address will back to default after we restart our machine. Go to next page to view how to change MAC address permanently.

6. Kali Linux was built based on Debian. In Debian all the network interface was located on /etc/network/interfaces.

7. We will configure the /etc/network/interfaces. In this tutorial I will use pico text editor, but you can choose any of your favourite text editor.

pico /etc/network/interfaces

8. Now we will add one line of script to change our MAC address permanently

pre-up ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:02

This script will be called on system startup.

9. If we want to restore the default MAC address, just add the # sign in front of script in step 8.


#pre-up ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:02


Mac Address Changer

1. Changing MAC address usually needed for privacy and prevent tracking in the local network about our hardware information(e.g: in public wi-fi network).

2. Some network administrator they make blocking rule in proxy or router by adding the MAC address. To ensure interoperability and preventing being blocked by the proxy or router blacklist rule, we can change our MAC address.

Hope you found it useful

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Blogger at hacking-tutorial.com. Love PHP, offensive security and web. Contact him at me[-at-]vishnuvalentino.com

See all posts by Vishnu Valentino || Visit Website : http://www.vishnuvalentino.com

I’m not a hacker, I don’t see the good that can come from it really. But, I do want to know how to do it so I can take necessary precautions. Also, I read about hacking and wonder sometimes if it really is possible these days. The attack vector which exploits the vulnerabilities of humans, like I’ve said before do not interest me so much. I am more interested in these two attack vector types:

  • A network and/or server that has the proper security tools and hardware but are incorrectly configured or installed
  • A network and/or server that has the proper security tools and hardware which are correctly configured and installed but still have a vulnerability

A good place to start is with the Kali Linux Metasploit penetration toolkit which you can get and learn about here.

Figure 1, Kali Linux Metasploit toolkit

Those tools are cool, but you need something to use them on. Knowing that hacking is illegal, I read someplace that even scanning endpoints for vulnerabilities, even if you don’t exploits them has some serious consequences. I therefore have built a instance of Metasploitable which I downloaded from Rapid7. I must admit, that I wanted to use Microsoft products to make this happen, but suffered some real setbacks when I was doing it. I made it through most of them but finally met my match when trying to get the Metasploitable server to get an IP address while running in Hyper-V. Yes, I did convert the VMDK to a VHD and all. I simply wasn’t and still not so skilled with Linux to get the eth0 configuration to show an IP address. So I downloaded, installed and configured VirtualBox with the VMDK and it worked like a snap. Figure 2 shows VirtualBox and Figure 3 shows what I had been after for a few months, actually, my first attempt at this was over a year ago. I must have really wanted this, yes, indeed I did.

Figure 2, VirtualBox running Metasploitable
Figure 3, Metasploitable login screen and ifconfig

Note to self, I do not remember making a configuration to add Metasploitable to a different subnet than my other raspberry pi’s I am am going to use for running Kali. The pi’s were –, somehow metasploitable00 got like I show in Figure 3, not sure if this will cause me some more headaches, but I remain optimistic that my controller pi and Kali pi will find it when I do an NMAP. In case you are interested, I created a raspberry pi cluster which I documented here.

Just for my general recollection:

IP AddressRoleNameNetwork Pi ControllercontrollerWireless Pi Node (SenseHat)node00Wireless Pi Nodenode01Wired Pi Nodenode02Wired Pi Nodenode03Wired Pi Nodenode04Wired Pi Node (SenseHat)node05Wired Pi Node (6502)node06Wired Pi Node (Kali Linux)node07 (kali)Wired Pi Nodenode08Wired VM hostwin00Wired

Well, it turns out that the default IP configuration for a VM running with VirtualBox is to use Network Address Translation (NAT). This is helpful and useful when I want my VM to make outbound connections (in this case I do not) and not useful when I want to access the VM from other machines on on my network (this is what I need/want to do). The default IP for this is what I quoted earlier, As you can see in Figure 4, NMAP from my controller cannot find this one, so I will need to make some configuration and implement Bridged Networking which is apparently what I need.

Figure 4, NMAP from my raspberry pi node cluster controller

Let’s do this and hope it works out. I shutdown the VM and changed the Network settings as shown in Figure 5. My host machine is connecting to the network using wireless, you can see in Figure 5 that Cable Connection is unchecked, I assume that is what it means. Let’s press OK and see what happens.

Figure 5, setting the Network Adaptor on my VirtualBox Metasploitable VM

No go, memories of my Hyper-V trials and hardships are beginning to return to my memory. Let’s connect a cable and see if that changes anything. Finger crossed! I’m going to go ahead and shutdown the host running the VM as well before I insert the ethernet (RJ-45) cable. Nope, here we go again….wait I forgot to check that Cable Connection box. Holy smokes, let go, Figure 6 shows it got the IP address allocated.

Figure 6, Bridged Networking configured with a Metasploitable VM using VirtualBox on Windows 10

Well, that did work and am happy about that. As you can see in Figure 7 something is a little weird with the IPs. IP address should be the address of win00, is a good number for METASPLOITABLE, lucky number 13. It weird because the MAC address for win00 is the one for metasploitable00 and the MAC address of win00 is the one shown for METASPLOITABLE. I’ll need to check this out and see what’s going on. does have SSH enabled so this has to be the metasploitable00 VM because I tried the same for win00 ( and it timed out because SSH is not yet enabled on that machine. I can fix this, it’s just surprising because I only know because I know, no one else would know without having set this up…

Figure 7, NMAP and Router IP configuration

If I look at the list it turns out node06 didn’t connect. Also, when I changed node00 to connect via wireless, using these instructions from wired, it got a new IP address and I needed to delete and re-add the address reservation in the router. All is good with node00 and node06 now, both have a static / reserved IP address. When I swap out the OS image on node07 where I will run the Metasploit toolkit with Kali Linux I get the same IP address as I got when it was running the Raspbian OS, this kind of confirms that the IP allocation is based on MAC Address, which I suspected before and now believe to be most probably true.

I enabled SSH, IIS and SMB 1.0 on win00 since I might want to do some hacking of the Windows 10 host at some point in the future. I used the Windows Feature from the Control Panel to install those drivers and programs, as seen in Figure 8.

Figure 8, Installing some protocols that expose a network endpoint for future hacking opportunities

I can’t figure out the IP address allocation logic with win00 and METASPLOITABLE. There is one IP address which is linked to the “Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi” configuration when I look at the ipconfig. While is the “Ethernet adapter Ethernet”. METASPLOITABLE is allocated and I was able to SSH to it from y controller, I haven’t tried from Kali yet, but will do it first thing when I’m ready to doing some labs. I feel like the infrastructure is setup now and once I get some time I can start getting to it.

Some helpful Linux commands:


ssh userid@192.168.1.?

sudo shutdown –h now

sudo reboot –h now



Mac Address Download


Hack Iphone With Mac Address Kali Linux Windows 10