Game Maker Mario Kart Engine

Yep, all mechanics are by me! I can't tell you one source I've used, since I've looked at so many articles and made so much on my own. The project is open source though: The Mario Kart demo is in the Import Scripts project.

Mario Kart Maker lets the player build a Mario Kart course by placing and editing track pieces and other objects from the Course Maker mode. Course settings can also be changed, including the game style, course theme, lap count, and lighting of the course. The player can change their character in the editor, as well as the Engine Class they are using, but must. Super Mario maker online is one of the most advanced level editors for the classic game Super Mario Bros. That you can now enjoy by playing it for free in your browser. Build your own game and have endless fun time. Mario Kart Maker lets the player build a Mario Kart course by placing and editing track pieces and other objects from the Course Maker mode. Course settings can also be changed, including the game style, course theme, lap count, and lighting of the course.

One of the big hits for the Nintendo Wii U was Super Mario Maker. It was such a huge hit that Nintendo threw some shrinking dust on it an managed to bring it to the Nintendo 3DS and 2DS.

Meet Your Maker

The idea of Super Mario Maker is very clever and actually, when you think about it its surprising Nintendo had not done this before. Basically, you are the creator and you can come up with your own Super Mario Bros levels. So if you have been playing Mario for years, now you can come up with your own stages.

Do The Mario

One thing that is really neat about Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS is the way it lets you make four different Mario games. You can make games based on Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World and New Super Mario Bros. Each game has its own art style as well as differences in the enemies and the things that you can place in the world.For example, if you place Bowser in New Super Mario Bros then you switch the level to the original Super Mario Bros he is going to look and behave differently. It is very clever and it also makes you think about the kind of level that you want to create.You also have the choice of above ground, underground, water, ghost house, airship and Bowser castle levels to create. You really do have a lot of choice at your fingertips when it comes to creating your world.

Share With The World

Once you have created your own masterpiece of a level you can upload it so other players can try and beat it…. actually you have to play through your level once from start to beginning before you can upload it. This is to stop people from uploading levels that are unbeatable so I do feel that it is fair.

The Nintendo Way

Nintendo has created a lot of levels for this game and there is a little bit of a “quest mode” that you can play through. By beating the different Nintendo levels you get a better idea of what works and what does not work when it comes to making levels. Plus it is always a good thing to have some 2D Super Mario levels to play through. I actually spent a lot of time playing these Nintendo created levels and had a great time doing so.

This Is Nuts!

Some of the levels that you will download in Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS are just crazy. How people come up with these things is beyond me, but it does make for some interesting levels. I do think that some people go too far in trying to create a level that shows how smart they are rather than making a fun level and this is my main criticism of the game. It is always annoying when you download a level thinking it will be fun, but then it turns out it is not fun. Still, I have played hundreds and I mean hundreds of amazingly creative levels and the community that is around this game is really cool.

Super Mario Maker for the Nintendo 3DS is well worth playing. It is very easy to make your own levels, you have a ton of pre made levels to enjoy and above all else, it is just a really fun game. The 3DS version is great I have played it on a New 2DS XL as well as an older 3DS and it is great on both devices. If you love Super Mario, you will love this game. I would go as far to say this is essential for any Nintendo 3DS collection….. well until the inevitable Nintendo Switch port comes out of course.



  • Features lots of pre made levels
  • Encourages creative play
  • There is a never ending supply of player created levels
  • Four different Mario styles
  • It has a lot of charm


  • Some user created levels are more annoying than fun
  • The download and upload process is a little slow
Overall rating: 9
Here, you can see a list of fan-games I've been part of in the past. I will update some things here as well.
Super Mario REBOOT
Genre: Platformer
Development: Getting use to Engine
Program Used To Make: Game Maker 8 Pro (Hello Engine 5)
Release Dates: Prototype Demo In Holiday 2011
Super Mario REBOOT is a classic Mario adventure that begins with two of the most well known levels in platforming history- 1-1 from SMB and 1-2 from SMB3.
Update: Development has begun. The first levels are being made and I am learning the engine.
The Zelda Project
Genre: AdventureGame Maker Mario Kart Engine
Development: Not Started
Program Used: ???
Release Dates: ???
The Zelda Project would mix together nearly the entire Zelda franchise, taking gameplay from Zelda II and making it more intense than ever. In this game, Link would use a piccolo to travel between his life in present Hyrule and stories of Ancient Hyrule in a legendary book.

Game Maker Mario Kart Engine

Super Smash Bros. Crusade
Genre: Fighting- OPEN-SOURCE
Program Used: Game Maker 7 Pro
Release Date: Engine Release Coming This Holiday Season
Website: Super Smash Bros. Crusade OPEN-SOURCE Forum
Super Smash Bros. Crusade is a Smash Bros. fangame shooting for 80 characters that would appeal to everyone. I have done lots of spriting for this game. After the release of v0.7, Phantom7 (original creator and graphic designer) quit the project and he and I thought it would be best to make the game Open-Source. And that's what's happening. Soon, the .gmk file for SSBC will be available for free download, allowing anyone to learn to make their own characters, stages, items, and even game modes!
Other Fan-Games (Most are RPG Maker games)
Maze Breakers
This isone that I want to finish that is more like making Lego Star Wars an RPG... It is to include 50 different actors (a customizable party) and many different levels. I'm having some programming trouble with the Party Manager engine I'm using right now, so I haven't done much to it recently...
Mario Kart All-Stars!
Using RPG Maker, I created a Mario Kart clone. It had over 30 characters and over 20 courses. However, it only supported one-player and no CPU racing. It didn't go that far, but it was entertaining for awhile.
Epic Pac-Man
Game maker mario kart engine Epic Pac-Man was a game where Pac-Man would take his retro form to destroy the ghosts. Yes, your goal was to terminate Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. I used RPG Maker VX for the easy overworld movement, and it actually worked. However, the version I released once does not have much to itand I took a month or two to fix up the game. You may hear more about this game.Game Maker Mario Kart Engine
Everran- The First Adventure

Game Maker Mario Kart Engines

Everran was an RPG I made not too long ago where you named your character and took a strange epic quest around the kingdom of Eltern. I worked pretty hard on this and I think it turned out pretty good. It wasn't that popular though and I remember one post that said that it wasn't good at all. I planned a whole series and started on the next two games (I might finish one of them). If I get around to it, there could be a second adventure.

Tatsunoko Vs Capcom 2
I planned to make an game that focused only on RPG matches. This game actually had progress (a few characters were made, including a select screen), but it got unbalanced and I couldn't actually find a way to fix it, leading me to abandon the project. This screen shot shows all of the finished characters, even though Phoenix Wright, Jun the Swan, Yatterman-2, and Chun-Li had spots on the character select screen.

Star Fox R.E.D.
Well, this was another RPG (I went overboard with RPG Maker). This was centered around flying around the Lylat System and doing missions on any planet you wanted to, once you unlocked them. I actually did a lot on this game and even released a demo. However, I lost half of my work, resulting in me staring back to the beta demo I put together. So I stopped working on the game- even if I formed my own complete Lylat System timeline...
Super Mario 65
Falcon8r (the programmer for SSBC) created a beautiful Mario engine that I gave him an idea or two for and it's a really great game. He released a small beta that everyone fell in love with and I believe he's still working on the game. You collected Power Stars (we even planned out a list of how you would get 120) and Mario had his spin from the Galaxy games. I did help a little, so I posted it here.

Game Maker Mario Kart Engine Parts

Soria Saga (Series)

Game Maker Mario Kart Engineer

Game Maker Mario Kart Engine Download

Oh, Soria Saga- my first RPG Maker games. There were 5- Escape from Zorax, Kingdom of Arcast, Shredding Shadows, Island of Origin, and The Shade Prince. I finished all of them and they still exist on Falcon8r's laptop (including the project files). They were all up for download once, but I took them down. I really liked the series, but I think it was mainly the characters, story, and places that really made the series. The gameplay was just regular untouched RPG Maker VX.