Cura 15.04.2

  1. Cura 15.04.2 Download Free
  2. Cura 15.04.2 For Mac
  3. Cura 15.04.2 Software Download
  4. Cura 15.04.2 Exe File

Cura prepares your model for 3D printing. For novices, it makes it easy to get great results. For experts, there are over 200 settings to adjust to your needs. Ultimaker Cura Marketplace. Version: 1.13 of may the 11th of 2017. In this article i refer to Cura 15.4.6 as C1 and Cura 2.1.3 as C2. C3 is Cura 2.4.0. For C1 configure Cura according the used Ultimaker and for the Mandel90 as said at the end of the corresponding article. For C2 chose the used Ultimaker and for the Mendel90 choose other printers than Prusa I3. Bellow is a view of C1 with the first Tab (File.

3D列印的核心步驟之一就是切片,一個好的3D列印切片軟體必須有很大的操縱自由度,才能將設計者的巧思及3D列印機的性能發揮得淋漓盡致,Ultimaker官方所出版的Cura 就是屬於這類軟體,不僅能夠做初步設定,還有進階模式可以讓使用者詳細調整各項列印參數、細節,不管是層厚、支撐、填充率. In this article i refer to Cura 15.4.6 as C1 and Cura 2.1.3 as C2. C3 is Cura 2.4.0. For C1 configure Cura according the used Ultimaker and for the Mandel90 as said at the end of the corresponding article. For C2 chose the used Ultimaker and for the Mendel90 choose other printers than Prusa I3.

Please download and install the following programs, drivers, plugins and files

1.Slicing programs

There are many slicing programs out there that convert digital 3D models into printing instructions for your printer. We selected Cura 15.04.2 which we highly recommend for beginners

1.1 Cura (by Ultimaker)

  • Click here to download Cura 15.04.2

  • Learn how to install & setup Cura

  • Learn how to add your existing 3D printer in Cura

    • Ask your vendor to provide the *.ini files of your existing 3D printer (ex: Makergear’s M2 ini files)

1.2 Kiri Moto (optional)

  • Kiri Moto is a free online slicing program

  • Requires a Reprapdiscount smart controller

  • Learn how to setup kiri moto

2.Fusion 360 (by Autodesk)

  • Fusion 360 is a Computer Aided Design (CAD) 3D modeling program, free for schools for a period of 3 years

  • Click here to subscribe to Fusion 360

3.Arduino IDE

  • The Arduino Integrated Development Environment - or (IDE) is an open source text editor for writing code. It makes it easy to open, modify, compile and upload the Marlin firmware into the mini rambo microcontroller

    • Click here to download the Arduino IDE 1.8.9 or newer versions. Do not select the web editor app

    • Click here to access the Arduino/Rambo plugin

    • Learn how to install the IDE and the Rambo plugin

Cura 15.04.2 Download Free


Cura 15.04.2 For Mac

4.Mini Rambo driver

Cura 15.04.2 Software Download

  • A driver is a piece of software that converts data into the specific language of the microcontroller

    • Click here to access the mini rambo driver

    • Learn how to install the mini rambo driver

5.Pronterface (printrun)

Cura 15.04.2 Exe File

  • Pronterface is a graphic user interface host (GUI)

    • Click here to download pronterface

    • Learn how to install pronterface

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