At Last A Life

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  6. At Last A Life And Beyond Book
  • Jun 12, 2018 I have suffered from anxiety for the last 2 years. It took over my life. I could barely go to work. I stopped talking to friends. I also have 2 young kids and I feel like I have missed such an enjoyable part of their childhood because of this.
  • At Last a Life tells the full story of my recovery from anxiety and panic and also how I overcame intrusive thoughts and depersonalisation. It covers every aspect of the anxiety condition, explaining not only why we suffer, but also what keeps us in.

The title below came from my own dreams and what others said to me:

At Last A Life

You Can Finally Find Out Who You Were in Your Past Life (and the One Before That). Reincarnation chains were computed for each date within the last 100 years. Explore New York’s No. 1 public university. The University at Buffalo offers superior academics, a life-changing student experience and true affordability.

“I just want my life back”

This is what all anxiety sufferers want and something that is achievable for everyone who suffers. Anxiety robs us of so much; my only dream through my years of suffering was to have my life back, a life that I took for granted before I suffered. My personal experience of recovery still feels like a miracle after the depths I sunk to.

It felt so far away that I never thought I would see the day when I could finally say I no longer suffer. It felt so far away because I was never given any answers to the way I felt or why I continued to stay in a cycle. As soon as I discovered these answers for myself then things started to make real sense and I now knew that I could finally, begin to move forward.

After my recovery, I went on to study the whole subject of anxiety and panic in full. I was not content with just recovering myself; I also wanted to dedicate my life to helping others. This was precisely why I wrote the book and put the site together, to reach out to as many people as possible.

I have no interest in becoming rich out of other people’s suffering and selling them the newest miracle cure, online course, or C.D set. I spent more money than I care to remember through my own darkest days, and it pains me to still see some of the false claims that are about on the internet.

Too many people fall into the cycle of anxiety because the right help and advice are not available to them at an earlier stage. I firmly believe that doctors are not given enough support and guidance to understand this condition fully and if I had one wish, it would be that more information on this debilitating condition was made available to them. This in itself, could save so many years of needless suffering.

One of my main aims in writing this book was to make it as easy as possible to read and understand; to get my message across from a sufferer’s point of view and dilute all the jargon that you may have come across in the past. I also felt that I had more to say than had been churned out before, mainly by people who had never actually been through it.

At Last A Life Amazon


Every common symptom is explained in the book, not just the anxiety, but also, the feelings of unreality, the racing thoughts, feelings of dread, lack of confidence, depression, fear, the constant worry cycle and many more symptoms that I have come across over the years.

I also receive emails on a regular basis from people who say “Paul it all makes sense now, you are the first person to not only help me but actually tell me why I feel like I do”.

The book continues to get tremendous feedback and its main success has come through recommendations. It is also now on prescription through certain doctor’s surgeries and many people also tell me that their counsellor or therapist has put them on to it and that is something I am very honoured to hear.

At Last A Life And Beyond

The book is sold all over the world and has been recently published in Japan, all this without any advertising or promotion. So many people email to say it is by far the best thing they have ever picked up relating to the subject and the only thing that truly helped.

Here is just a small selection of feedback the book has received on Amazon

‘At Last a Life’


Chapter 1: My Story

Chapter 2: What Are These Feelings I Feel?

Chapter 3: The Breakthrough

Chapter 4: Understanding Anxiety


Chapter 5: Give up the Fight

At Last A Life Book Review

Chapter 6: Anxiety Backpack

Chapter 7: Panic attacks explained

Chapter 8: Racing/Intrusive Thoughts

Chapter 9: Success Stories

Chapter 10: Other Symptoms Explained

Chapter 11: Mental Exhaustion

At Last A Life Book Pdf

Chapter 12: Recovery can be an up and down affair

At Last A Life

Chapter 13: Coming through Depersonalisation

Chapter 14: Social Anxiety

Chapter 15: Frequently asked Questions

At last a life paul david

Chapter 16: Final Points

At Last A Life Pdf Free

You can purchase the book in physical or e-book form with any debit, credit card, or PayPal account, using a secure online payment by clicking on the book image below. The other two options are here on eBay or Amazon, including in Kindle form, this also gives you the chance to see the excellent feedback the book has received.

The book is also now available as an Audiobook via download from this website only. If you have any problems at all with your purchase, then please don’t hesitate to contact me.

At Last A Life And Beyond Book

  • At Last a Life – Physical Book

  • At Last a Life – E-Book