Amy Winehouse Autopsy Report

But everyone knew that Amy Winehouse had a massive alcohol problem. On July 23, 2011, her bodyguard found her dead in her London apartment. The cause of death was alcohol poisoning. Amy Winehouse's family will auction off some of her clothes ahead of the 10th anniversary of her death. Julien's Auctions said some of the singer's most iconic stage, 'dresses, shoes, jewelry, and accessories' will be up for auction. Proceeds will go to the Amy Winehouse Foundation, a youth organization founded after the singer's 2011 death. Autopsy last hours of Amy Winehouse Channel 5 Monday 28th September 9pm I katie Robinson will be playing Amy x. May 09, 2021 Amy Winehouse's family will auction off some of her clothes ahead of the 10th anniversary of her death. Julien's Auctions said some of the singer's most iconic stage, 'dresses, shoes, jewelry, and accessories' will be up for auction. Proceeds will go to the Amy Winehouse Foundation, a youth organization founded after the singer's 2011 death.

Посмотрите, это список музыкантов, которые ушли из жизни в 27 лет. Не такой это оказывается простой возраст 27. Наверное как для поэтов 37…..

Musicians usually included in the 27 Club

Amy winehouse autopsy reportAmy

The impetus for the club’s creation were the deaths of Jones, Hendrix, Joplin and Morrison.[1] Cobain, who died in 1994, was later added by some. With the exception of Joplin, there is controversy surrounding their deaths. According to the book Heavier Than Heaven, when Cobain died, his sister claimed that as a kid he would talk about how he wanted to join the 27 Club.[2] On the fifteenth anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s death, National Public Radio‘s Robert Smith said, «The deaths of these rock stars at the age of 27 really changed the way we look at rock music.»[3]The 27s: The Greatest Myth of Rock & Roll details the history of the phenomenon.

PictureNameDate of deathOfficial cause of deathFameAge
Brian JonesJuly 3, 1969Drowned in a swimming pool.[4] The coroner’s report stated «death by misadventure.»[5]Rolling Stones founder and guitarist/multi-instrumentalist.27 years and 125 days
Jimi HendrixSeptember 18, 1970Autopsy showed he asphyxiated on vomit after combining sleeping pills with wine.[6]Pioneering electric guitarist, singer and songwriter for The Jimi Hendrix Experience and Band of Gypsys.27 years and 295 days
Janis JoplinOctober 4, 1970Probable heroin overdose.[7]Lead vocalist and songwriter for Big Brother and the Holding Company, The Kozmic Blues Band and Full Tilt Boogie Band.27 years and 258 days
Jim MorrisonJuly 3, 1971Cause of death listed as «heart failure»; however, no autopsy was performed.[8]Lead singer, songwriter and video director for The Doors.27 years and 207 days
Kurt CobainApril 5, 1994Ruled as suicide by shotgun.[9]Founding member, lead singer, guitarist and songwriter for Nirvana.27 years and 44 days

Other musicians who died at 27 Continue reading →

UN Report on Amy Winehouse?

Letting celebrities such as Amy Winehouse and Pete Doherty
get away with drug crimes is sending out the wrong message to ‘impressionable’ young people,
a UN report warned, the AFP is reporting March 6th.
The United Nations drug control agency has for the first time highlighted

Amy Winehouse Autopsy Report Pdf

the damaging influence drug-using celebrities — such as Amy Winehouse,
The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) said in its annual report

Amy Winehouse Full Autopsy Report

that leniency by police and courts towards famous people undermines the
“There should not be any difference between a celebrity who is breaking
the law and non-celebrities,” said INCB member Professor Hamid Ghodse.
“Not only does it give the wrong messages to young people,
Amy Winehouse Autopsy ReportAmy
who are often quite impressionable, but the wider public become
The UN agency urged governments to pay more attention to
high profile drug abuse cases, saying the glamorization of drug abuse
is especially relevant for young people who are “often most vulnerable”
“A number of people have got a lenient response in the UK
is such a thing as “Celebrity Justice”
Gee, ya think?