Aion Online Mac


You can either directly download AION Free-to-Play or play via Steam. The download of game data will follow in individual packets – you'll be able to start your adventure after the first 6 GB! Free download launcher ncsoft mac aion Files at Software Informer. NCsoft Launcher can be used to download and launch Aion and Lineage II games. It simplifies the process of installing, launching.

Alternative names: Aion Online
  • If you help another Game user to violate the Rules of Conduct, AION ONLINE may, at its discretion, provide you with a warning, penalty and, in certain cases, close your account. AION ONLINE has no obligation under any circumstances to review any communications regarding breaches of the Rules of Conduct related to any Account.
  • Aion Online???????????????????????????????????????????????

Online game Aion: The tower of eternity - multiplayer online game that can develop both on the ground and in the air. The creators of Aion: The tower of eternity online combined Warcraft and Lineage 2, thus creating a new, incredibly beautiful world. The game takes place in Atreia - a world once united, but as a result of various upheavals, divided into two races: the Elyos and Asmodians, opposing and Balaur. Join in the game Aion: The tower of eternity is a little different from the standard. First you need to download the game client files tab and run it on your computer setup. First you need to read the license agreement, and then complete a simple registration. Aion: The tower of eternity check standard data requests: e-mail address, username and password. After pressing the register Aion: The tower of eternity is ready for use. To play the online game Aion: The tower of eternity you have to choose a character. Creating a character in a game, regardless of race, represented by four schools (warriors, mages, priests and scouts), and within each school there are two classes. Therefore, during the creation of the character in the game Aion: The tower of eternity online fascinating. Detailed development of small things that can make a character truly unique appearance on the stage of choosing not leave indifferent even a frequenter of MMORPG, and the opportunity to play with the size of the character you will be remembered for a long time. Originally in the game Aion: The tower of eternity online you choose a character class, depending on the direction in which you plan to develop it. The main characteristics of a warrior are the strength and endurance. Warrior in the further development can become a gladiator or guardian. Mage is quite vulnerable, but at the same time has a great potential attackers. Mage can become a magician or caster. Priest is a supporting character on the battlefield. Reaching its peak, the priest can become a healer or magician. Scout is a clever and quick killer with a strong attack and weak defensive skills. Scout can develop in either hand assassin.

Defined the character we have to choose who to play: for light Elyos or Asmodian in the dark. The third race - the Balaur is not a game. Of the six proposed specialties (manufacturing of weapons and armor, alchemy, cooking, tailor and craftsman) character can develop all six, but do not forget that as much as possible to develop more than two professions is unlikely.

Aion: The tower of eternity online game allows the character acquires wings reaching the twelfth level. It is worth remembering that just will not fly for a long time, and this skill will have to develop a special skill and pump wings. Play the game Aion: The tower of eternity online wondering as flights provide you the opportunity to collect a variety of artifacts that are hidden above the clouds, and can be used or sold, as well as provide an opportunity to carry out the wings of the battle in the air, and if necessary to escape from the Balaur Wings are an irreplaceable part. After reaching level 25 character in Aion: The tower of eternity play becomes much more interesting. From this moment on your game character is permitted to participate in PvP battles between real people on location Abyss, where for killing characters you earn Abyss Points, for which it will be possible in the future to buy interesting things.

Play Aion: The tower of eternity will appeal to all fans of MMORPG. The game captures its beauty, and after the experience of battle in the air, when you can fly in the face of the enemy at the heart becomes warm and light, and I want to repeat the feat many times.


Sebastian “Ayase” Streiffert just made an announcement about the official page addressing Game Guard errors and possible fixes. I know Game Guard has been an issue for a lot of open beta participants and in general a lot of players. I don’t think it will be possible to remove GameGuard for the retail launch but if things continue to be this bad I am almost certain NCSoft will remove/replace it. Any piece of software that needs its dedicated support page and announcement needs to be reconsidered if not vital for game’s release. In any case, the official page covering all errors and possible solutions is here and I am mirroring it on our site just to spread the word.

In the meantime

Having EU authentication server issues, we’re troubleshooting. Stand by, please.

Aion Online Mac

I would like to politely ask the NA gremlins to stay away from EU servers *shoo*.

GameGuard is a security program that works with Aion to help ensure a safe game play environment free of malicious applications and common methods of cheating. This also protects the users from illegal manipulations, viruses and malignant codes by blocking various cheats and hacking programs.

Can You Play Aion On Mac


If you receive a GameGuard error, please find the error code below and follow the link for more information or to contact support.

Error CodeDescription
110, 115GameGuard is already running. Please try again after restarting the game or computer.
114GameGuard has failed to initialize. Please configure your security application(s) and disable UAC (User Account Controls) in Windows Vista or Windows 7.
120, 121,122, 123, 124, 141, 150, 153, 154, 170, 390, 610, 620GameGuard files are not found or have been changed. Please delete the GameGuard folder and try again.
155Some Windows system files are corrupted.
200, 210, 500, 1012, 1013, 1014A conflicting program was detected. Please try again after closing all unnecessary programs.
180, 340, 350, 360, 361, and 380The GameGuard update failed. Please check the configuration of firewalls and security applications.
230GameGuard reset or version error.
320Some game files are not found or have been modified.
330Npgmup.des reset error. Please delete the GameGuard folder and restart the game.
112Failed to load the virus and hacking tool checking module. It may be due to lack of memory or virus infection.
1001, 1002GameGuard will be closed.
1011A speed hack was detected.
1015The game files appear to have been modified. Please reinstall the game.
All other codesAn error occurred while running GameGuard.